
Disagreement Over Summer Camp in Southwest Florida

The time has come when you and your current or former significant other need to discuss summer camp for your children. This time can be stressful because of the options, or lack thereof depending upon your level of procrastination, and the logistics/costs involved.

This process is all the more stressful if you have a parenting plan or parenting schedule that you don't fully understand or your former significant other refuses to follow.

In Florida if you have 'shared parental responsibility' over your children, you are supposed to confer before making any decisions for your children. This includes summer camp. If you cannot reach an agreement, you are technically required to have a neutral third party resolve the dispute. Almost always, this is the Judge assigned to your case.

This is clearly not a cost effective or timely way of managing disputes. Mediation is a helpful tool in trying to resolve these types of disputes but it too can be costly.

Often times all you need is an advocate to explain the situation to your former significant to clearly outline the realities of the costs involved with returning to court including, the apportionment of attorney's fees. What seems like an immovable object can often be moved with the appropriate motivation.

Sadly, spouses who are currently married have difficulty communicating. Communication between ex-'s is typically worse.

Even if you have a fantastic idea about summer camp for your children your ex may disagree just because of your relationship history. We can explain the same idea to him/her which may be more palatable because of our "distance" from the emotion of your history.

Hiring an attorney is often over-simplified and over dramatized on television and in the media today. The team at Family First is here for one reason, to solve problems.

Our service offerings are limitless because the scope of family law problems are limitless. If we can assist you iron out the details of summer camp with your ex- call us or submit an inquiry online and we will be happy to help you solve this problem.

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