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Be Brave Daddy


As I was hurriedly leaving for court this morning my three-year-and-one-day-old daughter said to me, “Be brave Daddy.” This is the first time she has said this to me and it came at the perfect time.

We so often let fear and worry cloud our decision-making, yet a three-year-old has the gumption to speak the truth and tell me just, be brave. Donald Lepore says, “Worrying shows a lack of faith. You should have faith in yourself…have hope when things are really bad because they have to get better.”

It is universal to remain in negative and toxic relationships or less than ideal circumstances because of the fear and worry that surrounds a drastic change. At Peterson Family Law we love bringing the peace that awaits our clients at the other side of their journey to them. Folks who are contemplating a dissolution of marriage or divorce tell themselves they will wait because they’re worried how their spouse will react. We can speak from experience from dozens of examples to assure you, knowing how he/she reacted results in much better sleep than continual worry over what might happen.

To you we say, “Be brave friend.”
