Our Core Values
Below are the core values that guide our practice. No matter how many Clients we serve, their location or circumstance, these six values will never be compromised.
Mirror the Law of Non-Resistance
Every step of the process should be made easier for the client and continually improved for their benefit. Make your arguments & evidence easy for the Judge to rule in our client’s favor. Make your appearance easily likeable and friendly to all we encounter.
Follow the Golden Rule
Do unto others as you would have done unto you guides our every day. We want people who hold themselves to a higher standard than ANY state Bar association could set for us. INTEGRITY IS KEY.
Constant Self-Improvement
Constant Self-Improvement guides our entire organization, and we believe, like Ertha Kitt, that our tombstone will be our diploma.
Embrace and Spread RELENTLESS Optimism
We believe that the light always defeats the dark and that we get a unique opportunity to brighten the lives of every client we encounter. We believe this is a DUTY to mankind that we take seriously.
Always Be the MOST Prepared
Under-promise, over-prepare and let the chips fall where they may is our motto. We can only control certain aspects of a client’s case and those we can you better damn believe we are the MOST well prepared for. We love winning and our level of preparation shows it!
We Are Better Together
We believe that we succeed as a team. Without every member of the team pulling in the same direction we risk a client getting hurt – and that is never acceptable. We constantly serve the cause NOT the applause!